
Canada is a great destination for entrepreneurs and start-ups. If you are looking to establish or expand your business in Canada, you may be eligible for a temporary work permit under one of the many programs available to foreign entrepreneurs.

One popular option is the Start-Up Visa Program, which is designed for entrepreneurs who have a promising business idea and the support of a designated organization in Canada. This program allows successful applicants to obtain a work permit and eventually permanent residency in Canada.

Start-Up Visa Program

One popular option is the Start-Up Visa Program, which is designed for entrepreneurs who have a promising business idea and the support of a designated organization in Canada. This program allows successful applicants to obtain a work permit and eventually permanent residency in Canada.

To be eligible for the Start-Up Visa Program, you must have: 

Intra-Company Transfer program

Another option is the Intra-Company Transfer program, which allows employees of a foreign company to transfer to a Canadian branch, subsidiary or affiliate for a temporary period. To be eligible, the foreign company and the Canadian entity must have a qualifying relationship, and the employee must have specialized knowledge or executive or managerial experience.

International Mobility Program

The International Mobility Program is another option for business start-ups. This program allows foreign nationals to work in Canada on a temporary basis without the need for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which is typically required for most work permits. This program is ideal for entrepreneurs who have a short-term project in Canada or who are looking to gain valuable work experience in the Canadian market.

Global Talent Stream program

Finally, the Global Talent Stream program allows Canadian employers to access highly skilled foreign workers in the tech sector. This program is designed to help businesses grow and scale by allowing them to quickly bring in skilled workers with specialized expertise

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.

As an immigration consultant in Canada, we can help you navigate the different programs available and determine the best option for your business needs.